The vitalvegetables® story
We investigate the nutrients in vegetables that are beneficial for health
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We select seeds that grow into vegetables with high levels of these nutrients
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We grow these seeds and investigate how the growing methods affect nutrient levels
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We investigate the vegetable combinations which deliver optimal levels of nutrients
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We investigate different packaging and how it affects the nutrients in the vegetables
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We get local growers to grow the vegetables under strict protocols
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We package and store the vegetables under strict protocols
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We transport the vegetables to the supermarket for consumers to enjoy
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We include recommendations for meal preparation to maintain the level of nutrients
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vitalvegetables® is a new category of vegetable products that has a strong focus on consumer health. vitalvegetables® products have been selected for their naturally high nutrient levels, great taste and flavour. Scientists have established how to grow and store the vegetables to ensure these levels are maintained from the day the plant is harvested until it reaches the consumer. The products are carefully monitored through every step of production: From seed selection, crop production, harvesting, processing, packaging to distribution. Our growing methods and selection of season-specific varieties ensure consistent year-round quality.
Scientists at Plant & Food Research in New Zealand and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria in Australia have spent ten years investigating these questions, resulting in the development of the vitalvegetables® range. In addition to naturally high levels of nutrients known to be good for health, each serving of vitalvegetables® contains at least 25% of your recommended daily intake of the antioxidant vitamin C per serve.
The vitalvegetables® research programme was funded by Horticulture New Zealand, Plant & Food Research and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria, with Horticulture Australia Limited matched funds from the Australian Government and support from the New Zealand vegetable sector.