The benefits of vitalvegetables®
All vegetables are good for you, with various vitamins and minerals to support our health. However, not all vegetables produce the same mixture of nutrients or at the same levels.
Vegetables that contain higher levels of these nutrients can help us to reach our recommended intakes for these nutrients more easily. The trick is knowing which nutrients are linked to which aspect of health and which vegetables these nutrients are found in. It's also finding the individual plant in a collection that has naturally higher levels than all the others and growing it so you optimise the levels of these nutrients.
The packaging and storing are imporatant and are done in such a way that they maintain these levels right through to the consumer.
The vitalvegetables® difference
In addition to naturally high levels of nutrients, each serving of vitalvegetables® contains at least 25% of your recommended daily intake of the antioxidant vitamin C per serve. Scientists have established how to grow and store the vegetables to ensure these levels are maintained from the day the plant is harvested until it reaches the consumer. The products are carefully monitored through every step of production: From seed selection, crop production, harvesting, processing, packaging to distribution. Our growing methods and selection of season-specific varieties ensure consistent year-round quality.